Local Governance Committee


The governance of a multi-academy trust differs from those of maintained schools. The White Horse Federation (TWHF) believes that placing statutory responsibilities firmly at its centre, in the remit of the board of trustees, allows the Local Governance Committee (LGC) to focus on providing support, overcoming challenges in the delivery of educational excellence, and outstanding outcomes for all pupils.

There are direct channels of communication between the principal and the LGC chair and central services. The clerk to the board of trustees will hold contact details for all members of LGCs within TWHF. However, routine communication for day-to-day school business should come from the chair of that LGC, managed by the school or through an LGC clerk.

The principal and the chair of the LGC are responsible for ensuring the quality and timely distribution of all material needed to keep LGC members well-informed about the school and TWHF. The principal and the chair are also responsible for ensuring the views of the LGC have good lines of communication to the board of trustees. This can be done via the elected chair’s representative on the board of trustees. Senior executives from TWHF will be nominated by the CEO to attend any LGC.

The White Horse Federation has a very clear and shared understanding of what constitutes good and effective governance. Schools within TWHF will be judged to have outstanding governance when members of the LGC:

  • Talk about teaching and learning.
  • Know a great deal about the school and its community.
  • Are ambitious for the school and its community.
  • Ask questions which make colleagues reflect, and that these discussions lead to delivering the very best outcomes for every child and adult within the school community.
  • Maintain strong and effective relationships within TWHF.

For the shared model of governance to be effective for TWHF and the schools, it is essential that there is effective communication between the board of trustees, the LGCs, chairs groups, principals, the central team, and the executive leadership team.

If you have any questions for the local governance committee, you are welcome to contact them via the clerk to governors. You can do this by leaving a note for the attention of the clerk at the school office or sending an email to [email protected].

Chair of Governors - Charlotte Christie - c/o West Kidlington Primary School, Oxford Road, Kidlington Oxford. OX5 1EA

Current Local Governance Committee

Local Governors have been elected by parents or staff or co-opted by the LGC and will serve a four-year term of office. The Principal is also a local governor.

Simon Isherwood - Principal & Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Charlotte Christie - Chair of Governors

Alison Cook - Clerk

Mr Matt Payne - Parent Governor

Dr Mairi Gibbs - Co-opted Governor

Jonathan Cassidy - Parent Governor

Charlotte Christie - Chair of Governors

Charlotte worked for many years for Oxfordshire County Council and is now an independent education consultant. She has wide experience of working with headteachers and governors in all types of schools and has also frequently delivered training for governors. She has been a member of 4 IEBs, one as chair. In the past, she worked with the school as the local authority adviser.

Mairi Gibbs - Co-opted Governor

Mairi is a Co-opted Governor and has two children at West Kidlington, currently in key stage 2 and key stage 1. Her family has also used nursery, Skips, and Magpies so has experienced all parts of the school. Mairi has a scientific background and works in Oxford as a senior manager, with a particular interest in developing a strong organisation backed by pragmatic and effective processes.

Date of Appointment: 21st November 2021

Matthew Payne - Parent Governor

I moved to Kidlington in 2011 and my son joined West Kidlington in 2019. I was hugely impressed with how the school adapted to the COVID pandemic and how they ensured that the children's learning was always kept as a priority during what must have been a very challenging time. I trained as a Primary School teacher and am also an experienced football coach, currently the proud coach of Kidlington Rangers U7's. I look forward to working with Mr Isherwood and the rest of the Local Governance Committee.

Date of Appointment: 29th November 2021

Simon Isherwood - Principal

I joined West Kidlington Primary School as the principal in September 2016. I am highly motivated to improve the education provision for all children in the school. I see a tremendous spirit throughout the school and would like to provide, through my role as principal and governor, a school that is current, inspiring, and pioneering. Prior to this appointment, I was headteacher at Bladon CE Primary School for five years. I have also worked as a school improvement advisor for the local authority. My wife is a teacher and my two children attend Oxfordshire primary and secondary schools. We talk school a lot in my house!

Date of Appointment. 5th September 2016

Alison Cook - Clerk to the LGC

Alison works as a higher-level teaching assistant at West Kidlington Primary School. Initially appointed as clerk to the governing body in January 2016, she has more recently undertaken clerking duties for the IEB and the TMB. She now acts as clerk for the LGC.

Jonathan Cassidy - Parent Governor

I am a secondary Mathematics teacher with 25 years' experience teaching in a variety of schools in England, Scotland and abroad. I am currently teaching in Thame. I have two children, one a boy in KS2 at the school. I also have a 20-year-old son who has an Autistic Spectrum Disorder. His journey through education has given me first-hand experience of SEN provision in Oxfordshire, both positively and negatively. Since my younger son started the school, I have been incredibly impressed with all aspects of the teaching and learning, particularly during COVID.

Date of appointment 30th March 2023

Register of Interests 2023-24 and Attendance 2022-23

Name Position/Name of Organisation Role Nature of Interest Date Interest Registered Date Interest Ceased Attendance 2022-23
Simon Isherwood None Literacy and Numeracy Champion - 04/10/2018 - 4 of 5
Charlotte Christie C Christie Education Ltd (Educational Consultancy) Safeguarding Champion,

Literacy and Numeracy Champion


04/10/2018 - 5 of 5
Dr Mairi Gibbs Oxford University Innovation Ltd
St Mary's Church, Kidlington
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and Pupil Premium and Grants Champion,

Literacy and Numeracy Champion
Head of Operations
Volunteer Children's Worker
Close connection employed at WKPS
29/11/2021 - 4 of 5
Mr Matt Payne Parent Governor Parent Governor None Declared 29/11/2021 - 5 of 5
Jonathan Cassidy Parent Governor Parent Governor

None Declared

30/03/2023 - 29/03/2027

  3 of 3

Previous Governors

Clare Harris - Left 20th September 2021 (attended 6 of 7 meetings)

Simon Cowley - Left 9th March 2021

Martin Davis - Left 13th October 2022

Elizabeth Peachey - Left 2nd February 2023

Emma Orton - Left 17th July 2023 (attended 4 of 6)

Gill Porter - Left 17th July 2023

West Kidlington Governors are committed to promoting and prioritising diversity and inclusion. We recognise the benefits of diversity and aim to appoint governors from a variety of backgrounds.

Gender Identity of Governors

Number of Board Responses





Other gender identity


Prefer not to say


Age Group

Number of Board Responses

18 to 40


41 to 60


61 or over


Choose not to say


Ethnic Group

Number of Board Responses

Asian or Asian British










Any other Asian background




Any other Black or Black British background


White and Asian


White and Black African

White and Black Caribbean




English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British


Gypsy or Irish Traveller








Any other ethnic group


Chose not to say


The White Horse Federation Governance Information

Click on the button below to access TWHF governance information, including:

  • Annual report
  • Annual audited accounts
  • Memorandum of association
  • Articles of association
  • Names of charity trustees and members
  • Funding agreement
  • Gender Pay Gap Report
  • Higher Paid Staff reports